I just got back from a Pilates mat class. And I tried a Reformer session on Thursday. Can't say I loved it but I didn't hate it like I hated the different coach yelling at me kickboxing class that made me stop going to my last gym so there's that. Fitness. It's a necessary evil. :P
THIS is my nemesis. I keep thinking "If I had the kids for longer than 15-30 minutes" or "If I had more help" or "If they could come more often then 4 mornings a week every three weeks we'd get in a better routine" or "If I wasn't also trying to get morning announcements ready and check in books and get cards cleared for all the morning classes" (I know I'm preaching to the choir here) this would get better. There's no magic pill here ... the Little Bits labeling suggestion drives me insane because I haven't found that to help/work at all. But I do really like the other ones and haven't tried them. And to be fair she works with older kids so maybe the Little Bits ... maybe I am expecting too much and shouldn't have tried with as young as I did. I don't know. They make cool stuff. But they make utter chaos and I'm left with mess and Little Bits are not like Legos where they can just use any piece. It matters so they do need to be kept tidy. (Pin keeps not working so I linked to it at the top)
Random non-library related share.
"Do you have any books about Hippo Crates?"
Need to let it go, I know. Or just laugh and not be irritated about it. But seriously. Assign Hippocrates and not make sure the kiddo has a clue how to say it? And NOT assign Sylvia Mendez or any of the other suggestions I sent that we DID have books for?
If I were so inclined ... maybe with book covers on the hearts?
Read this earlier about educational blogging. Well and I read the original post (but didn't sign up to participate). I hope eventually I'll get some good ideas going again. ;)

Feel you on all of this. Just got my treadmill fixed, so it's back to running. Things are going okay in my library, but I've decided that research classes are more important than Makerspace stuff. We can only do so much! Language arts classes, getting books to kids, research and helping teachers with things, collection development, keeping statistics- it seems like enough! Enjoy your rainy weekend!
ReplyDeleteThat's why the Hippo Crates thing was so frustrating to me. They asked the day before they wanted to come in "Can you help us with the grade level biography project?" No, actually, I can't. Two other grade levels planned with me before the break and due to those and space (we have a super small space and shelf browsers would be two feet from researchers ... it's one thing when it's a couple kids on passes and another when it's full classes checking out!) and a lack of assistant hours (because teachers don't help and the self service checkout does not work reliably) during a grades 3-5 checkout week I can't teach as much anyway. Doing more circ. Why did they ignore all the research suggestions I gave them? Separate is Not Equal is still on the shelf and this poor child that doesn't have a clue how to pronounce her person is asking me about Hippocrates. Can only do so much. Just concentrate on the two grades that did ask. (Repeating to myself ...) Thanks. Enjoy your weekend as well!