But now I get to give away a $10 credit to the TPT sale. That will be at the bottom of this post. Don't read the comments if you care about spoilers to either the Anne of Green Gables movie or the Gilmore Girls Year in the Life (which I actually did not watch the first go around ... though I'll date myself and say my first teaching job was at the high school "Dean" graduated from and it was not long after he left ... so students would come back from the restroom all aflutter when he'd come back to visit and be walking the halls). Comments on those two things are two of the three ways to enter. The third I will do a round up post on later this week ... fave holiday read alouds. So you'll still get to hear about those if you stay away from reading other people's comments!
Until then here are some things I've wishlisted lately for personal or library use! Quick because family is still around until tomorrow.
I want to learn how to do the brush lettering I see all over IG. Not Tombows but I got these to try.
Of course this I already had. Don't think at $100 it wasn't tempting for school (they are programmable/codable now ... they weren't for the first 6 months or so) but the paperwork to do a PO ... the price would go back up by then. No, I did not order myself a Force Band. THOUGH I WANTED TO!
And as much as I love Overdrive sometimes I don't finish them in time. I got the EARC a while back but am so far behind I'll never catch up there. Electronic is bad that way. If it's falling off of the stack I'll read it first. So for $5 today it was tempting!
And here are some pretty photos of books. You might see them again.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And here are some pretty photos of books. You might see them again.
Oh and my favorite most favorite of all work pants (I have black, navy, gray, and maroon-ish brown) that still look nice but are comfy are on sale tonight. Use this link for an extra $15 off for both of us.
I'm pretty sure I set this to be open the rest of tonight and tomorrow til 12. Then I'll email the "winner" the code Monday morning. The sale is Monday and Tuesday, right? Don't remember the extra 10% code but I'm sure you'll see it around somewhere. Gets kind of ridiculous how it's plastered everywhere for 72 hours.
I haven't made anything new in forever. Had a set of teacher librarian planner stickers (just on Avery labels so if you don't have a Cameo you're not stuck with scissors for hours) but never finished. An update to the shelf labels that has been 85% done for weeks. No new display signs or bookmarks. Those people who get it all done? I'm envious! But hey. I went to two movies and binged on GG this week. And finished some reading. So I did that. I hope you did things that made you happy as well!

I just picked up Tana French's The Trespasser from the library. Not for the faint hearted, and definitely an adult read.Sometime I need a break from elementary school reading.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read that one but I have enjoyed Tana French's books in the past! Will put it on the December break TBR!
DeleteI am watching the series on Netflix, and just realized there are 22 episodes in a season and I am only on epi 10 season 1. Epic fail on my part. Would you recommend viewing through the entire catalog before the seeing the new season?
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen all of them myself. But I did watch the YIL eps over the past three days. I wonder if I would feel the same having seen all of them beforehand?
DeleteLoved the original Anne of GG. Worried the new one will not live up to my original experience of it.
ReplyDeleteStick with the original. The new one ... was lacking. :/
DeleteI didn't know there was a new movie.
ReplyDeletePBS. Stick with the Kevin Sullivan one (and of course the books) because the new one was not a kindred spirit.
DeleteI want to watch The Gilmore Girls on Netflix.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday read is The Night Before Christmas.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a fave version? I like James Marshall's illustrations but there are so many!
DeleteMy favorite read aloud is The Christmas Tapestry by Polacco. I read it to 6th graders and I love to watch their faces as they realize where the story is going. It is long but soooo worth it!
ReplyDeleteLoved the new Gilmore Girls seasons! ❤️❤️ I didn't watch it when it was on originally but finished it this past spring. (Now on parenthood and it was fun seeing some cameos in GG) I haven't watched AoGG yet... I adore the original and just can't bring myself to watch. Salt to the Sea is fantastic!! A Must read! I'm currently reading Moo by Sharon Creech... sundays are my read for fun days due to extreme college coursework. Oh! The link for the pants is broken :(
ReplyDeleteBUT HOW COULD RORY BE SO LAME cheating with Logan? Is it because I never saw their original time together? I just felt like that was so lame. So. Lame. Would I hate it less if I caught up on those? I know, I watched out of order. But I hated that part. And yes, I did recognize a few of the Parenthood cameos even though I've only seen like the first two seasons? Maybe three. And yes, the link was only good for a couple hours so it was silly to include. But they are great pants. :P
DeleteMy favorite holiday book is The Grinch! I'm super excited about the new season of Gilmore Girls on Netflix! And honestly, I've never heard of Anne of Green Gables. 😱 Thanks for the giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteNever heard of Anne of Green Gables! EEEEEEK! It was my childhood ... the series that made me a reader. Can't get my students to read it, though. It is ... something like 100 years old. My one "girly" fandom as it's very calico and puffed sleeves in place of my usual Star Wars or Harry Potter or LOTR. But with best friends and an awesome female lead character and great supporting characters and then of course Gilbert! I don't usually read romance, either, except for Anne and Gilbert!
DeleteI've not seen the Anne of Green Gables movie, but I did binge-watch GG on Friday. I love it and thought it was very well written:-) I just hope there is another season due to the ending... My favorite Christmas book is either How Santa Got His Job or The Night Before Christmas. I just love this time of year!
ReplyDeleteSo Rory. Would I hate her choices in the new ones less if I had seen more of the originals? I just didn't like the whole Logan thing at all. How lame to be cheating like that ... both of them. Don't bother with Anne if you loved the first ones. I need to pay more attention to How Santa Got His Job. I know we used to have it in our collection. Will have to see if we still do or if it has fallen prey to something that is happening way too much lately ... disappearing. :(
Delete1. Anne of Green Gables = I bet the scenery will be beautiful.
ReplyDelete2. Gilmore Girls - I've never watched, but there is so much hype right now, I'm tempted to check it out.
3. Favorite holiday read = Silver Packages.
The scenery did make me want to go to PEI. I mean, I've always wanted to. But that was the only part about the movie that I liked. That and the fact I was watching it with my niece. I was tempted by the hype as well! And I don't know Silver Packages. Will have to check it out! The name sounds familiar but that is all about it that does.
DeleteI haven't seen the new one yet!
ReplyDeleteI need to find to watch the new GG episodes. I loved the series!
ReplyDeleteI never watched the first ones until a sick day a couple weeks ago. Now I'm hooked!
DeleteI have a pop up book version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" that I love reading with my kids.
ReplyDeleteI was pleasantly surprised with the new Anne of Green Gables movie. I still like the Megan Follows version better, but I didn't mind the new one.
ReplyDeleteI didn't watch the Gilmore Girls.
ReplyDeleteI never did the originals, either, but I have watched some (my sick day a couple weeks back was season one) and it was enough to make me disappointed in some of the choices they made for "Rory." I don't hate all remakes or revisits. Fantastic Beasts was fun.
DeleteI like reading How Santa Got His Job with my littles.
ReplyDeleteI need to find this one because while I recognize the title and can see the cover in my head the inside ... not sure I've ever read it!