
Monday, October 24, 2016

#IMWAYR Oct. 24

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Date. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.

All awesome ones. 
My fave is probably We Found a Hat though Jedi Academy and Hotel Bruce are a close second. I NEED a Bruce "roar"ing t-shirt. It is a NEED and not just a want.
And I Will Not Eat You and The Obsidian Chamber behind that. And President Squid is classic Aaron Reynolds which means it can't be anything less than funny.

All of the pics and Jedi Academy are totally recommended for the elementary crowd!

Today our district took us on a bit of a field trip. We got to tour the Google offices in Austin and see a K-12 education furniture showroom. Fascinating day deserving of another post. That will come later!

Monday, October 3, 2016

#IMWAYR Oct. 3 Lockwood Fangirling and P&E However We Can Get Them

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Date. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.

Another week where I only finished a couple.

Elephant & Piggie Like Reading 1 & 2 ... as many of you know they are cute. Not stupendous in terms of writing (though the illustrations are top notch), but cute. The Cookie Fiasco is a math lesson on fractions and division. We Are Growing is both a writing lesson on adjectives and a guidance lesson on accepting all regardless of differences. The framing device of Elephant and Piggie at the beginning and end will have to fill the void left by the discontinuation of that series. We get a little bit of the beloved characters.

Chloe on the Bright Side is certainly reflective of many students' everyday lives. Parents break up and kids have to move. New friends can be both good and bad influences. It's not lovely groundbreaking realistic fic like Wonder or Out of my Mind or Rules ... but it's definitely useful in an upper elementary or even lower middle school. I was glad they sent it to me because it's not one I might have picked up otherwise. I usually prefer my fantasies and murder mysteries and set in space stories.

I listened to Lockwood #4 via Audible. If I wouldn't have been driving I would have been bugging all my FB friends sharing funny snippets ... it's just full of sarcastic funny lines. Yes. A ghost hunting book that is funny. I mean, the talking skull has quite a sense of humor when he's not trying to see to the group's demise. Each character adds their own strengths to the group. The hints of more than friendship are stronger in this one but still nothing I'd feel uncomfortable giving a strong reader. Middle school for sure, strong fifth graders no problem, either.

AND THE ENDING. Oh my word the ending. That was just mean, Mr. Stroud! This book is so new and now I have to wait another year!

We'll see what I get to this week. Have several I need to finish.