
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

140 Twitter Tips Summer PD Reading

I recently got a new Kindle Paperwhite (I already had a Fire but I am testing to see if less blue light helps me sleep better. :P) and decided to try the Kindle Unlimited trial. Terrible fiction selection but noticed the non-fic actually had some interesting titles. Doubt I'll keep it past the summer but for now it's handy.

140 Twitter Tips for Educators: Get Connected, Grow Your Professional Learning Network, and Reinvigorate Your Career140 Twitter Tips for Educators: Get Connected, Grow Your Professional Learning Network, and Reinvigorate Your Career by Brad Currie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

For beginners to Twitter four stars or maybe even higher. Though would they be reading a book? Don't get me wrong ... I mean three as a compliment. I really liked the middle section (for those familiar with Twitter) and the first half or so of the last section (looking to become a Twitter "rock star"). This will take repeated references to get the full advantage.

My notes were taken from the Kindle version so I don't have page numbers. Just Locations.

Location 439     #21 Turn Motivational Tweets into Images
Hmmm. Had already been thinking about creating some book quotes for our hallway monitor so I will get on that. Just tweeted it out (already had it on Instagram). In the 10 seconds since realized two things. One ... I already had it on IG. Could have just tweeted the link at the same time. And Two ... I didn't watermark the image. I just made it on WordSwag. Going to take a while until my "edits" are good enough that people might want to borrow but it's a good habit to get into all the same.

Location 469     #24 Tweet Daily
I go in waves. Still WAAAAAAAAAAY more lurking because I don't always have something to say. And sometimes I feel like Twitter gets a bit ridiculous with all the "You're so awesome" "No, you are." (Do I sound rude?) I've been on Twitter for a long time. Since before my blog, in fact. That's why the username doesn't match. When I first joined Twitter it was to follow like Hollywood people (lame, I know). Then that got boring but more authors/illustrators were on Twitter. Then it because this amazing place to learn from like minded edu-peeps. I could try to rebuild everything but getting people to refollow ... annoying to them. And me to refollow everyone under a different name. So I don't "match."

Location 731     #52 Check out the #PersonalizedPD hashtag.
Haven't checked that out yet. Should start. Totally why I blog and Tweet and love EdCamp style stuff. So much of the other just doesn't apply.

Location 808     #61 Build Twitter Stamina
Part of that for me is not feeling bad when someone doesn't answer a tweet. We can't all keep up with everything! It's not usually personal and even if it is ... so what? The authors talked about that as well though I think it was under a different tip.

Location 837     #63 Create a Classroom Twitter Handle
Sometimes I wonder about starting a new one specifically for my school. Right now the only place I do that is FB. Everywhere else is entirely "me."

Location 892     #69 Listen to Student Voice (#stuvoice)
Would love to see that. Sort of tried a couple years back with paper tweets but didn't stick with it and not enough teachers "got" it. Most actually still don't seem to. I need to be more patient and understanding and consistent. And remember #61.

Location 933     #70 Tell Your School's Story
Super important because we HAVE TO. Sometime in the next week or so I'll write up a bit of what I thought of this one. Pretty awesome.

Location 1065      #84 Start a Hashtag for your book (#140EduTips)
I don't have a book but I'm sort of lurking on a hashtag two schools in my district are doing with their teachers and summer reading. It's pretty awesome, actually. I debated putting the hashtag for this book  in my post title. Maybe I should have.

Location 1153      #91 Collaborate with Someone.
Talked to people but haven't actually done any sort of project. Anyone game?

Location 1255     #102 Display Your Twitter Stream
In order for that to be useful you have to tweet pretty regularly. I suppose I could have my Twitter feed to the side on my blog. Necessary? I don't know. A specifically SCHOOL feed would be good to have displayed prominently.

Location 1281     #105 Manage Your Social Media Accounts with Hootsuite
There's another tool I've actually known about for years but know I don't use to its greatest extent. For a while I was ahead enough on blog post ideas that I used it to schedule things. Last couple years not so much.

Location 1323     #111 Vine for Education
I've seen this done so well ... just need to get more in the habit of taking pictures/short clips. Would this be easier than IG?

Location 1350     #115 Create a Twitter Recipe with If This Then That app
Ha! I totally turned my blog post Tweet IFTTT recipe off a couple months ago. I was testing something. Realized the other day I still hadn't turned it back on! I use Networked Blogs to auto-post to FB but I know that brings it down in the algorithms. I wonder if IFTTT does the same?

Way too much work thinking right now. Later. Hope you're enjoying your summer!

(PS Also debating the Scholastic Reading Summit in SA. Worth it? Having to choose between it and more BOOKS or Star Wars (personal or the Really Good Stuff classroom set!) or Harry Potter stuff. Or CONVERSE or maybe even girly TIEKS.)

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