
Friday, May 20, 2016

Finally Friday May 20

I begin by forcing anyone not on IG to at least a quick preview.

Yesterday was my birthday. Took a personal day only to have the worst daytime weather (worst storm ever was last Monday night) ever. Any going out plans were scrapped for pjs and a book. Actually ... happy birthday, right? :) Yes. I might be old.

Book Creator. So easy and so cool. I wish I could get more classes in to do things! I saw something about a webinar. I should check up on that.

Had to get my niece to help. Not intuiting the controls very well. Following a wildlife photog in Africa because he talks a lot about photography and shares cool images, an Italian girl that explores London (I WANT TO GO BACK!), some cool book ones, public or university library ones, and one Elem Library (GO YOU).

I admit I pushed play more for the original song than the remake artist (remember ... old?). But then I loved it!

Only keeping Legos sorted. #thestruggleisreal

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