It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Date. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
And I'm so behind!
Since the last time I linked up ...
And only one of those a kidlit book (these two grown up books were actually quite good! The last several adult titles had me losing faith). Pretty sure I've already GoodReads logged all of my picture book reading with kids the last several weeks and I haven't made reading a high enough priority when I got home. Sleeping won. Or trying to sleep. And poking around IG. Have you been following the #teachersandlibrarians hashtag? I've found several new people that way. It's fun seeing other displays and spaces and such. And as close to following through on a challenge as I've ever gotten. Knock on wood! IG posts are quick. At least when you're not nearly so good as some designing beautiful images. Just #keepinitreal.
In full disclosure watching SW The Force Awakens might have won. Twice. And lots of after school meetings. :P
Books I Want to Read in the Next Week or Two
I'm almost done with the audio of The Accident Season. A bit odd. Not what I'd expected but we'll see. A solid 3 with anything higher to be determined upon the ending! I have also finished "collecting" all the Harry Potter on Audible so I should start that.
And I'm long past due on Salt to the Sea.
No school on Friday. It's the Battle of the Flowers. So I should. Unless I go see Superman/Batman? Or Jungle Book?

Today I admitted I didn't love having the volunteer luncheon in the library. How rude am I. But without a decent vacuum cleaner and counter/cabinet space NOT NEAR BOOKS or COMPUTERS and human beings that spill drinks and cake and sandwiches and veggie dip... I just don't like it. Rude, right? But seriously. I end up having to clean sticky spots and crumbs for weeks and lose an entire day of class visits and reshelving. I can do some things in the classroom but not everything. Of course considering it's the day after my birthday and I wanted to take that day off ... I guess I can't really pull the "we'll lose a day of summer reading and end of year projects" card, can I? Our district so kindly makes all library books due on my birthday so that's what I tell kids. "Please bring back all your library books for the end of the year. That's all Ms. O wants for her birthday!"
I've thought about doing summer checkouts and then get nervous because of how many we'd lose. Do you? Kids need books. We don't have a branch super close. But with turnover ... we'd lose a lot. We lose more than I want during the year. The cost of doing business! It's never the old books, though. It's the new ones ...
Hope all the TLs headed to Houston stay safe and dry. I admit I'm a little jealous! I missed so much of TCEA. Post lots!

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