It's Monday (actually Tuesday now but I didn't get the post finished!)! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Date. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
The publisher sent me the copy of First Step but I'm glad. I still would have liked it otherwise. This volume tells the story of a little girl who loved going to school ... and then came the day she was told she could no longer attend that school because of the color of her skin. Her family went to court and LOST. It was 1849. After a lot of brave families and businessmen and lawyers came forward 5 years later that law was changed, at least in Massachusetts. It took another hundred years for the laws for equality in schools to go into effect nationwide. The illustrations were lovely (of course, look at the artist). Now, it is one of the picture books that is a bit wordy for small fry. Know that this is for 3-5 grade!
Wrath and the Dawn was quite good ... but there was one thing that bugged me. It's an Arabian Nights retelling. Have you read it? Is it a spoiler to say it's a love story? HOW COULD SHE LOVE HIM IF HE REALLY DID ALL THOSE THINGS! I hope in book two we find out it was all a facade.
Little Owl Lost was fun. A must get for picture book/storytime. Rolling with BB8 ... well, I love it because of it's shape, no the actual story.
I'm about an hour in to the Armada audiobook. And about a third of the way into (I'm late on this one!) the first Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Still enjoying City of Thirst, just not very quickly!
Thanks for stopping by! What are you reading?

Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
Wrath and the Dawn was quite good ... but there was one thing that bugged me. It's an Arabian Nights retelling. Have you read it? Is it a spoiler to say it's a love story? HOW COULD SHE LOVE HIM IF HE REALLY DID ALL THOSE THINGS! I hope in book two we find out it was all a facade.
Little Owl Lost was fun. A must get for picture book/storytime. Rolling with BB8 ... well, I love it because of it's shape, no the actual story.
I'm about an hour in to the Armada audiobook. And about a third of the way into (I'm late on this one!) the first Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Still enjoying City of Thirst, just not very quickly!
Thanks for stopping by! What are you reading?

Hurray for Little Owl Lost! One of my all-time favourites, and having FINALLY watched the new Star Wars movie, I enjoyed your BB-8 reference :)