
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

If I Had Been at TCEA Today

On the plus side two 1st/4th buddies groups managed to get some animal research in today because I was NOT at TCEA. Then I got told I would be losing my assistant yet another half hour a day. He's there 45 min first thing in the morning, then 50 before his super early lunch, then 3 sets of 15 minutes in the library the rest of the afternoon. Useful. Poor man gets his steps in running around campus all day. Y'all that don't even have that 140 minutes ... bless you. We all work so hard.

On the down side ... we still paid for registration. Are you there? I'm kind of jealous! Kids asked me where I was yesterday and when I said "at a meeting about technology in schools." They said "Don't you know all that?" and I was like "No way! I love learning."

I would have had a hard time choosing between ...

10 Killer iPad Projects Students Will Love
Advanced Google Spreadsheets and Forms
Genius Hour and the Technology to Make It Happen
Broadcasting 101: Creating a Successful Program
Chromebook Tips and Tricks

#GeniusHour for Educators
Efficient Workflow with Google Apps
Engaged Project-Based Learning
Google: Marzano's Style
Improving the Writing and Research Process with Google Tools

Augmented Reality: Yes, I Can Create AR on my Chromebook!
But I Don't Have TIME for Technology TEKS
More of Chromaholics Anonymous: Additions to Apps and Extensions
3D Printing: Steps for Getting Started
Google Apps in the library: Media Ideas to Facilitate Collaboration
Google Tools for the Visionary Lead Learner

App-Smashing with Nearpod

Become a Google Power User Tips and Tricks
Creative Technology to Bring Out Your Inner Picasso
Librarians as Instructional Leaders
Make Learning Come to Life with Aurasma and ChatterPix
Making Makerspace Easy
Sketchnotes: Not Just for Artists
The Power of the #hashtag

Authentic Literacy with Google
Connecting the Dots: Libraries, Technology, STEM, and Literacy
Make Tinkering Real: Using SketchUp in Your Classroom
Take Better Pictures with Any Camera
3D Design and Print Workshop
What the Blip? Augmented Reality over DAQRIs

Show How Awesome You Are and Tell Your Story with Social Media
How Short, Simple Student-Captured Videos Will Start Driving Your Instruction
Tammy's Favorite Technology Tips, Tricks, and Tools

A Passion For Screencastin' with Camtasia and YouTube
Frozen? Let It Go and Connect with Your Students
Garageband: Educational Podcasting
MindMapping, Timelines, and Collaborative Brainstorming
Raising Readers: Old School Meets New School
Streamlining Student Directions with Screencasts
The Flipped Library

BookClub Meets Makerspace
Creatively Blogging for Understanding in Elementary
Digital Youth: Technologically Savvy But Not Literate
Office Mix for PowerPoint: Making Instruction Extraordinary

And that's just today. Never mind tomorrow.

Well. Thanks for listening to me rant. Off to maybe hit the treadmill and work on my presentation for Friday. It all is what it is.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I never get to go. :( I completely and totally rely on those tweeting out presentations to get cool TCEA ideas.
