So. Click through if anything embedded ends up not coming through.
If you're interested and missed either of them ...
here's the updated Reading Resolutions printable

and here are some New Year's Around the World bookmarks (on TPT but free).
I will be making some of these tomorrow or this weekend. We were supposed to get the screen (one of the things we will display in this "virtual window" are some reading recommendation photo booth pics) installed after school the Friday before break but at the last minute it was nixed by administration. I don't know why, custodial staff were going to be on campus for much longer than the installation vendors. :/ So that will need to be rescheduled.
I actually have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday so I have a sub coming in (used to just be covered by my assistant but luckily the one sub I know of, that covered when I went on my TRIP!, was available). It's for a neurologist appointment that I had to wait three months for. Think he can figure out how to make it easier to sleep? And get less terrible, horrible, no good, very bad headaches? SO DUMB cause they already did all the scary MRI and blood testing and of course that came back totally clear. Someone backed into my car and left during the blood testing but oh well. I feel silly because they'll probably say "stress less." Duh, I know.
This is for fun. Or to go with the resolutions (I actually just ordered Squirrel's New Year's Resolutions but I haven't read it yet. Any good?).
Here are a couple screen shot previews of "My Year In Books."

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