
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2016 Around the Corner

I didn't follow up on any goals for last year. Well, except for get more exercise. I did get more up until the last two weeks (sorry trainer Mike!).

Two things have me thinking.

One, I saw this Kickstarter. I can't even remember how because I don't actually often stroll through Kickstarter. Maybe on FB? Or another blog?
and it reminded me of long ago Franklin Covey days. Plus I love organization. It's calming. Who wants to be looking for stuff or freaking out at the last minute? And the last couple years it has not ben one of my strong points. So ... backed! Still have a couple weeks til it gets here, though. The Kickstarter is closed but I think through this page you can get a six month version. And that direct link goes to some good suggestions I will be thinking over.

Then I received this bit of LOVELINESS in the mail from Big Honcho Media. Check out the Etsy shop where they got them. This one is sold out but so many pretties! STAR WARS! Harry Potter! Other book related stuff!

So of course I've been looking at Instagram pics of planners. There's a whole bunch of crazy sticker/colored pens/washi tape loving peeps. Does that help them to get stuff done? It is pretty. I already have a lot of the materials collected. They've just been sitting in bins or drawers as I think "I really should get rid of that. Maybe take it to school. But it's so pretty! And I spent money!" :P

Really the next couple of days will be spent thinking about what I want from 2016. There are of course the norms ... keep up with better exercise (cause until the last two weeks it was better! So we'll say keep up instead of start again). Eat better. That was going well until ... really the trip. That might help with the sleep and bordering on migraine headaches too, right? And doing better spiritually. I mean, my beliefs are still rock solid but I can't say I've done a lot of growing. Some study there could only help.

But what else? What are some FUN goals ... for the library at school, for the blog, or for me? Anyone willing to share what they are thinking about? Or at least in the case of the blog would like to see? Better book reviews. I love to read but then instead of being useful I just post not much more than "Loved it!" or "Why did I finish this?" Had a blog friend suggest the TPT conference. It IS near The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I just don't see me becoming a TPT rock star. Given the choice I usually choose reading over making new stuff. I only make what I'm using and this year with the change in assistant hours and general school climate that has slowed down. :P

I'm grateful for you all that spend any time listening to me go on. Take care of yourselves and enjoy these last few days of holiday break!

Monday, December 28, 2015

#IMWAYR Dec. 28

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.

Let me start with saying how much I will miss Debbie from The Stylin Librarian. She was one of the first two people to comment on my blog. I never got to meet her in person but was always so impressed by her reviews and blog posts and willingness to interact. I hope for peace for her family.

And now. Let the reading of the first week of break be recorded! (Well, and a few of my other reent favorites cause I haven't posted in a while!)

Only one picture book (no new ones at school and my local library doesn't get to order many, either) but I got my mom Mother Bruce for Christmas because it was a bear book and ... it is HILARIOUS!
Of the SW books ... Lost Stars is good but it's definitely not an elementary book. YA, only. the novelization of TFA adds a little more backstory but doesn't really fill in many holes and the writing is not the best. Only for big time fans. Before the Awakening was interesting.
Fires of Invention was really good. The author visited our school and I was so impressed!
I really enjoyed The Map to Everywhere but ... it's a little long for most of my students, I think. Actually reading book two, City of Thirst right now.
I LOVE the Tupelo Landing books and that really surprises me. I did the first two on audio and then read the third. I loved hearing the different voices in the audio, but being able to go back over and reread funny lines in the print. I can't say it's been a super popular one on our Bluebonnet (state award) list but I will keep trying!
The Anne Perry novella was ... not my favorite. Adult authors that I usually love are ... not turning out things I still love this year. SAD.
I enjoyed the last two Dead City books. The kids will like them in January (finally got them back from processing after a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG holdup with the box sitting in the bookkeeper's office ... and I stole them to take home and read over the holiday. FIRST DIBS is a  perk of the job, right? Right? ;)).
Cathedral of Fear was OK. Not my fave but not terrible. I will still keep reading because it's fun to imagine Sherlock as a kid.
And The Jumbies ... I didn't love it as much as the internet but will have to get a copy. Kids like creepy and added plus some exposure to different cultures.

This week? Continue City of Thirst. I have the audio of Lake House but since I'm not commuting to school I might save that.
Then ... I don't know! I have the eARC of Salt to the Sea and I keep hearing it's so great. Or Red? Or work on some professional reading? Or binge watch X-Files ...

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Reading Resolutions Printable 2016

Shall we start with a Hey Girl? My new favorite. ;) Thank you for bearing with my SW fandom. It will die down eventually. There's just SO MUCH OUT THERE right now. Did you see the video clip of the German department store? It's on the FB page. 1:20 of adorableness. #allthefeels

A photo posted by (@nerdist) on

Didn't get this done before the break, when it would have been nice to get things copied and ready to go before leaving, right? You see versions of this printable all over (I think this was the first place I saw it?) ... this is a library related one we've used for a couple years now. I did have the kids draw their own numbers for a while but some of them made them so teeny I thought I'd give them a start and then they could color to their hearts content.

Here's a Google Drive PDF version. Fonts are by Hello Literacy/Jen Jones. I printed out page four and then ran it back through my printer to get (any of 1-3) the inside. Hoping the double sided copies work. Sometimes I still get them mixed up when trying to print/copy. If I get back and they don't I'll fix it and repost. Fold on the bold line, cut on the dotted.

Reading Resolutions Printable
Reading Resolutions Printable 2
Reading Resolutions Printable 3

Reading Resolutions Printable 4

See how I had to get #yodaontheshelf in there at least one more time?

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Currently Dec. (and has been for 5 days, right?)

Behind the curve but oh well. Linking up with Farley.

Love me some Amazon Prime music (I have an Echo!). Though ... I might be changing the station. Not loving some of the super twangy ones. Am I getting old I want my Harry or Josh right now?

I love Christmas lights! Debating attending the new "Zoo Lights" with some of the nieces and nephews that are close enough.

Insomnia has been kind of a fight for months now but this week has become a true NEMESIS. Not productive ... blechy toss and turn kind. I've done some this AM. Can we call that good? #probablynot


At least one of those, anyway.

Faux. I like to have it around too long for a real one. I do love the smell, though.

I got two ahead on my #yodaontheshelf photos. Hooray for being ahead of the game? Not all of the tag users are me. Cause when I just checked some are less than classy. Ugh.

LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!! Although I am not,actually, attending a midnight showing. When you're in London when the tickets go on sale. Plus you don't really even know anyone who is as crazy a fanatic as you are ... you have to be a little bit patient.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Friday, December 4, 2015

Flat Gingy

This is one of my favorites. Majorly adapted from something I got on TPT by "First Grade Fever" though I use it with second grade because they are the best candidates for the different Flat Stanley stories.

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Author Visit and Cove Series Book One Fires of Invention

So the premise is not new. A civilization underground and a government that tells kids what their lifelong jobs will be. But ... this version? Manages some unexpected twists that make it fresh! Dragons. BIG mechanical dragons.
Here's the book trailer. I do enjoy a fun book trailer. A bit of a little funny acting but on the whole amazing! After he showed it he said "Do any of you want to read this book?" and they all yelled "YES!" #bloggerfail for not catching it on video or at least audio!

The author visited our school today. WHAT FUN! He was such a great presenter talking to the kids about creativity and changing their world for the better. He introduced them to Alex, Malala, and Ryan. He then talked to them about writing stories and coming up with goals and obstacles and consequences. He pulled up a few volunteers for an engaging interactive storytelling session. I know tomorrow we're going to have a lot of kids asking for the book and we don't have a copy yet! I was a dummy and when this opportunity came up I totally wasn't thinking and ordered a copy for ME to read on my Kindle. I should have just gotten the hardcover and donated it when I was done. Jumping through all the hoops to order books when it's not a bigger order? Not my favorite. But this time I should have!

Strong 4th through probably about 7th grade fantasy lovers will enjoy this one (plus his other fantasy series, plus the Case 13 zombie books which like an idiot after he left I realized we had a copy of) and ALL of the kids enjoyed his presentation. Definitely recommended!

PS Here's his Twitter account!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Yoda on the Shelf Part Two

Lighting's not the best. I'm new to this. Meet #Yodaontheshelf. Later there might be #Chewie or #R2D2 or #C3PO also on the shelf. We'll see. Creativity possibly running low. You can't tell but it's printing a Yoda snowflake. Every print job is an adventure. "Will it work? How many times can I pull out a cord and put it back in? Or burn my fingers on the extruder?"

If the books ever come back from processing future pics will include SW titles in our collection. Of course my personal one could also be raided.

I need ideas for pics! Suggestions?

Apologies to those who saw this on Instagram already. ;)

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