
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thrilling Thursday to (almost) Finally FORCE Friday

Did you love those memes yesterday as much as I did? They made me sorry I didn't try my Lego pics at school again. The lighting was bad and I gave up fairly quickly. :/
Posting early in case I get the motivation to post AGAIN with all the cool stuff that will be available tomorrow ... with suggestions for library use, of course. Especially looking for a new Star Wars Reads Day shirt from We Love Fine.

I will be at school tomorrow instead of at stores (or sleeping because I was at stores all night for 12:01 releases) or shopping online because I want to be there for the kids. And I have to save money for the few days in October when I won't, in fact, be there for the kids. They'll be in good hands with a fully capable and awesome substitute. I will be on Platform 9 3/4.

I was thinking about making a SW themed photo booth for kids to create book review videos or even just photos with their favorite book. If I can convince my principal I want to put a monitor outside the library for photos. I LOVE OUR WALLS but we definitely lost visibility and so far we haven't been allowed to have anything on the walls.

Not a wall big enough at school. But MAYBE at home. #mustmeasure #wouldthatbewierd

Hold me to it, Internet. I can figure out something a little more interesting looking.

I am not even a huge dog (more than cats but still, not even) but I WANT ONE OF THESE SO MUCH! They're going to be hard to find. I want one for me AND one for school. Think PERIMETER LESSON. Of course, finding a "vendor." :P

A PS not FF related but it was fun making this little board. I didn't win but it was fun. #hardcallbetweenblueandgreen
Follow MsOReadsBooks's board #EveryCrayonCounts on Pinterest.

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