Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
So let's see, this past week ...
Icefall and the two Bogle books were may favorites of this week. I wish my students were fonder of the late Victorian London type mystery stories because I did really like the Bogle books. Would the spooky aspect be enough for them? Not sure. I've had Icefall for a couple years and tried it before and always set it back down. Glad I finally stuck through. Would be an excellent title for a kiddo who might be waiting for Rick Riordan's Norse series to start. Or a writing/storytelling student. Definitely middle school kids, maybe gifted elementary. It's fairly complex. Eddie Red was fun, too, albeit the "kid working for the police" aspect that they tried to make realistic completely unbelievable.
See You at Harry's definitely was well written ... it just wasn't at all what I was expecting and it was so sad the contrast between my actual experience and expected reading experience was hard for me to take. I must not have paid any attention to what people said because I remember them saying "it's so good" but not anything about how sad it was.
So this week? I need to start Making It Visible. Is that terrible I procrastinate "professional reading"? Lots of reading is professional in a teacher's line of work, no? Anyway. I also finally ordered Digital Reading: What's Essential in Grades 3-8. PD books feel expensive but then again so are grad classes and such. Read enough great blog posts from people who've read both books that I wanted to. Started Thinking via library ebook several times but it's so dense I knew I had to go to the print to really get it. Ironic, no?
Has anyone read Red Rising? The description seemed so my thing and yet I've been in the middle of it for weeks. I should maybe start over. I was having trouble with the audio of Moriarty but my brother said the beginning was hard for him as well. That one's from Overdrive. I also downloaded Dark Disciple from Audible. I actually never watched much of The Clone Wars television show (Star Wars related, if you don't know) so we'll see if I can still follow it. Is it a US thing that I find the idea of a bunch of kids being sent to a outdoor school in the Highlands, in January, for nine weeks, pretty ridiculous? Even more so than the idea of Gerald inheriting a billion dollars from an unknown aunt, apparently. #thatsjustme Beyond that it's been a fun ride! The Maloneys' has also started out a little slow but a couple reviewers state it gets much better as you get further in so we shall see.
This week and next week. Then the NEXT week my family starts coming, every couple of days. And I go back to work on that Thursday and will miss all of the daytime family fun. Would be one thing if much of those first days of meetings were useful. :X #rottentiming #theyrealsogoingtobakeinthesouthTXheat

Nice variety of books. I haven't read anything for PD yet this summer and really should try to fit in one book before school starts. We don't start workshops until Aug. 31 so I have plenty of time yet. Here is my weekly report. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteI've had Icefall in my my TBR stack for a while. I may have to move it closer to the top now.
ReplyDeleteOnce I finally sat down and stuck with it ... good stuff! The TBR stack. Will it EVER get shorter? ;)
DeleteYep. Victorian London is a harder sell than it should be. Eddie Redd circulates like crazy, though. I'm getting very weary of a lot of fantasy books out there, though. I just don't have the readers for them, but can't find enough realistic fiction!
ReplyDeleteThe Eddie Red was a PB so I will have to put it on an order. I am definitely more of a mystery/fantasy/historical fic reader but yes, there are a lot of kids that prefer realistic. WHY when it's SAD? :P I mean, I get the fascination with funny. But sad? I do still order it for them. I just don't love it like I love period London. ;)
DeleteI've heard wonderful things about See You at Harry's. I would like to get to that one soon. Digital Reading was very informative. Gave me a lot to think about!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to like Red Rising but couldn't quite get into it...
ReplyDeleteGlad to know it's not just me! On the outside it looked so good ...
DeleteI LOVE Icefall. One of the books I recommend the most, I think. Works for kids who like history, fantasy, and mysteries. I have been wanting to read Moriarty, but sometimes it's just hard to get to adult books! I'll be eager to hear what you think when you finish it.