
Friday, July 17, 2015

Finally Friday July 17

The days are going by too fast, you know? Haven't really gotten much done. Didn't write a "bucket list" per se but maybe I should have? Did you? I have done better exercising. Played around with some Lego Minifig photos. You might see them eventually. Never did come up with a third one.

How often do veggies look tasty?

Chocolate always looks good.

Nieces and nephews come in a couple weeks. This could be a fun project with the older ones, too.

I love a new Sharpie. Simple way to keep track of which is which!

Blast from the past fun summer outfit pin.

One thing I've learned ... "Don't try to start a blog series until you have at least a couple posts already written." Even though that is Blogger 101. Be predictable.

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