Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
You can always click on the screenshot to go to my Goodreads shelf to get more info. But over the summer I will post more detailed reviews individually during the week. I got so behind on reading over the past year wasn't much to share. But I would like to get back to hello, the name of this blog. :)
Four excellent, one good, one ... I waver between wanting to read book two because parts of the characters were engaging. But really feeling like it could have been so much shorter and just as good.
Now, what's on deck. Really, truly finishing up some that I've been "reading" for weeks now? I think I need to just start over. Or give up on them entirely. There is something to be said for the timing of reading a book. See any favorites you think I should pay more attention to?
The Forgotten Room I only just started as an audiobook while on the treadmill or commuting. So that one is not embarrassing. Odd how I don't seem as drawn to Red Rising. Attempts to read have been going on for months now. As have Magician's Fire. I got the first chapter or two of Circus Mirandus on Netgalley and NOW I NEED THE WHOLE THING. Then maybe Murder is Bad Manners? Or How to Outrun a Crocodile When Your Shoes Are Untied? Or The Great Zoo of China? Or Guys Read: Terrifying Tales? #bookaday #itssomuchfun #onlymysoreshoulderwristpinkyarebacksoithurts #butIdeal

Oh, I do love Calpurnia. I can't wait to read this long awaited sequel! Happy summer reading! ~Megan
I loved Calpurnia's first book and totally missed that a second one was coming. I can't wait to see what she's up to now. As much as I loved Calpurnia, I had no luck getting my middle school students to read it. I haven't read any of the books on deck to make a recommendation other than I've always enjoyed books in the Guys Read series. Even if not all the stories are a good fit, there are bound to be at least a few I love.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any Calpurnia yet, but I do have her on my list. After reading your comments and these here, I am feeling desperate to get my hands on a copy. I discovered I could download from my local library, but I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed so I just put it in my for for later folder.
ReplyDeleteHi Miss O! I bought myself a copy of Circus Mirandus and can't wait to sink my teeth into it. :)