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Funny. Even if I'm not sure about the "You never finished reading them anyway."
Note to self when taking Lego pics for possible slide use ...
One of my most favorite conferences I've ever attended. The year I went they had David Shannon, Brandon Mull, Laurie Halse Anderson, Kadir Nelson, and ... drat. I forgot the name of the non-fic author. Enjoyed her presentation immensely. Used to have a sis that lived in the area which made it easy and less expensive. Still have a brother but he's in college and it would be against the rules for me to stay with him. Would love to see him, though. He'll be HERE in August but maybe I should go see him in July anyway?
Yes. This. :P
So I plastered my Yoda Summer Reading Bulletin Board all over. I'll plaster this one, too. Almost as excited about it. The pic was for a contest to get an early beta MakeyMakeyGo.

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