Worst picture taker ever as many friends from years past (staff and parents) came by to say hello to Mary. She's just been that awesome. #criesquietly
Numero uno is more exercise. I recently joined a group training class. We do four week on and one week ... well. I don't want to say off because we're still supposed to exercise. He actually sent out an email on it. Anyway. Point being ... last week when we were not meeting? Notable difference in sleep quality. Like it went way down. So they were closed yesterday and I missed the class today because of the retirement celebration. And I'll miss it tomorrow because of a staff meeting. But Thursday I am THERE. And in the summer? Every weekday and a few Saturdays. No, it's still not fun. But it's important. Especially if some ... things around school don't change. Sanity & perspective. :)
Number two is of course #bookaday. My new library does not have the same resources as my past system so there may be some "trips into town" to check out the B&N. I'd love to say indie bookstore but that one is 80 minutes away. Half Price is like 20, B&N, depending on traffic, 35. For picture books, anyway. Chapter books of both the middle grade, YA, and grown-up varieties I can often get on Overdrive or via Netgalley/Edelweiss. There are so many good books in the world! Is there a "must read" for the summer? Only fun books. Only prof. one I want to read is Making Thinking Visible. Is it terrible I found out today that in August they will have a Teach Like a Pirate training but I will NOT be attending? It's on one of the three days I will have with my entire family in town. We haven't ALL been together in ... five years? Might even be more. No way am I sitting in a training before I'm on contract when I could be hanging out with them.
Number three? Should I tell you or just see how it works out?

Who am I kidding. If you're still reading I'll tell. New fascination with Lego minifigs. Plus on my mental health day off on my birthday I discovered a used Lego store in town and it is awesome. It's a long drive but if I time it to visit my brother/niece/nephews/sis-in-law then it doesn't seem so bad. So HOPEFULLY I can get some fun shots and blog posts next year will be illustrated. Or at least include silly quote pics. Here's the shot from the dashboard of my birthday purchases. I have a long way to go, do I not? Yes, many but not all will be SW related. Next year will be the year of Star Wars in the Library. My way of getting excited about things again.
Thinking five to dos would be good. One should be techy but I'm not sure what yet. Make some Kahoots or Nearpod presentations? Or some flipped videos? Then don't know what the other one should be. Haven't decided yet. Maybe there will be a part two.
Anyone tried a Piggie & Elephant dance party? Or made "birds on your head"? Just be prepared with lots of pink and light blue plates for P&E. Which add up when it's entire grade levels and 100 kids each. But they will all think you are the coolest TL ever. They will still smile as they line up to go out the door. Even though you've also just given them the what for for so many books that they didn't keep in their backpacks when they weren't reading them!

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