
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Finally ... Saturday March 7

Didn't get to anything yesterday cause I went straight over to a family party after school. My brother and his wife and three kids recently moved back to town and it was sort of a housewarming/s-i-l birthday bash. Also we had homemade Cafe Rio style pork tacos and they were TASTY.

I am now on spring break. Colder than it's been in a while (IRONY) but oh well. SPRING BREAK! Reading to do! And cleaning. Click through for original sources.

LOVE THIS. Still debating ... the next grade for #makermornings after the break ... has repeatedly done the worst keeping things tidy the last time. Do I get out the Legos? That seems punitive but they were asked to be careful with a brand new set of specialized Lego pieces (giveaway from TCEA but still ... new and different and fun and now most of it is lost) but no luck. One tub mess. Still a learning curve on this maker thing. If they spend all their time looking for "one particular piece" they don't get to spend much time building! And they don't get to come enough to see the connection "if we didn't make such a mess we'd be able to find things more quickly." Still need more pieces for the number of kids we have. The campus decided to submit more ... traditional grants.

Loved this photo. I'm in the middle of The Devil in the White City (enjoying, even if it is a bit "odd" the way the two stories are being told together) and they are always talking about "out-Eiffeling Eiffel."

THIS COMBINES A LOVE FOR STAR WARS LEGOS AND PHOTOGRAPHY. Which I'm not any good at but I love to read about.

Amen. Amen. Amen. After a week where I have vowed never ever to "give" anything away at school again (many complaints and nothing was ever "enough") and even after being the only one on campus affected by a budget cut of 55% (let me rephrase that because the budget cut affected everyone ... the library was just the only place that TOOK a budget cut) an offer of a possible fund raiser was denied ... we do it for the kids.

Will see you on #IMWAYR both this week and next. Later!


  1. Does anyone at your school collect Boxtops for Education? We make a ridiculous amount on them for relatively little work. Hope your spring break is restful and productive!

  2. PTA does those. We sort of collect soup labels for education but they are a lot of work even now that they are worth a little bit of $ instead of just from a catalog. We also used to do Terracycling and collected empty drink pouches and chip bags for upcyling (win-win for environment and cash!). They had to up their shipment requirements, though, to stay green ... and we couldn't store that much trash anymore. Sticky and smelly. And THANKS! I hope so, too!
