
Friday, March 20, 2015

Finally Friday March 20

Happy birthday to my Dad!

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I need to make this pizza.

This is something I still want to explore. I got a beginning set of activities on TPT but haven't actually done it yet. Purchased half the supplies myself and then got sidetracked by life. And much harder to deal with purchasing/reimbursement rules for school.

It's not really my thing but on a quick whim I threw out a couple patterns during one #makermorning and the kids do love it. So I must explore further.

Fabulous. He's older than my kiddos.

This lady is 90 years old and DESIGNING TECH. I want to be that cool when I am 90. (In the interest of full disclosure I am not normally an NPR listener. Random page I follow on FB shared it first. ;))

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