And now ... We made it another week! I hope awesome things happened for all of you!
Just know now I will be on a Lego kick for a while ...
I was the idealist.
Wild Hog Questions. With INTENTION.
One reason I like going to conferences. It gives me that ... push when things get bogged down and I start questioning whether I am making any difference or doing anything right.
As the daughter of a public health doctor and a Star Wars fan ...
Did anyone see that email from the LOC about a summer institute? For some reason ... I'm thinking about it. How cool would that be? The problem is I have no sense of direction. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. So the idea of just going by myself ... bleh. But looking at the syllabus. Visual Thinking? YES! Primary Sources? YES! National history? YES!
And I keep thinking about how they said "Submit an idea to iPadpalooza! We'd love more librarians!" Can I come up with something "weird" enough? And cool enough? And good enough? The one year I went was awesome. Though it was nice to just GO. Of course the price has upped significantly since then. But it was an absolute steal that first year.

Ms. O, you are *absolutely* amazing, cool, and good enough to do the iPadpalooza if you want to. I love conferences, too, but I only go to our state library organization's annual one. Sometimes I feel like it's just as hard to be out and write sub plans as it is to pay for more conferences.