
Friday, November 14, 2014

Finally Friday Nov. 14

If you didn't see the Instagram version here's another one (and if you did I'll stop double posting soon ... just getting the hang of it. For as much as I love to learn about photography I am terrible at remembering to TAKE PICTURES!) ...

I find myself oddly unable to look away from this picture. This is my nephew. He's an avid reader. And, apparently ... very stretchy. :)

Totally cute. I haven't read this one this year because a teacher beat me to checking it out. And has had it for three weeks already. And I've felt awkward saying "Please only keep holiday books for a few days and then return them so that others can use them!" I mean, we're not a big library. If people keep stuff too long then no one else gets to use it. But I don't want to make her feel unwelcome to check out, either. :/

This has become a huge push in our district. Ironic. I was going to start it two months ago during our tutoring time. And was told I could not and had "to have bookclubs." ????
Follow MsOReadsBooks's board Hour of Code Stuff on Pinterest.

I don't have these exact ones but I have some others from this seller. Lovely, lovely pieces. And the PRETTIEST PACKAGING EVER.

The image ought to give the real quote and not the quoter. #picky #stilllikeit

Grand literature it's not. But the idea is so precious. A friend knows the starters and posted this on her FB page. I don't often do Kickstarters (Reading Rainbow and Tile were it) but this is a nice idea.

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