
Thursday, July 10, 2014

TBT Connecting with Authors

This is a presentation I did for Simple K12 a couple years ago. It's always been up on the top menu ... though it's old enough maybe I should take it off until I update it?).How would you update it?

Besides acknowledging the demise of Google Reader, obviously. Anyone had a cool student/author/illustrator interaction on Twitter? (Still nerding out over Corey Rosen Schwartz seeing our Ninja Pigs illustrations because of a shared link via Twitter!) Or a cool Skype? Or is there an author using Pinterest to share book related content?

Hmmm. Also I hope you all see something above this. It's not showing up in the "preview" though with embedded stuff that's not all that strange. Anyway. If I messed up the code then you can see it through the page link in the top menu.

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