
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Picture Wednesday

Cause it's not quite wordless. Was reminded of this book during a recent #IMWAYR roundup because someone posted about a picture book that talked about the Sudan. Then another Angie (HI!) "liked" my review on Goodreads which reminded me of this quote. Since the last few weeks I've been even more drawn to all things hopeful I made this (pic was Flickr CC shared here) ...

And you can see I have some work to do in the graphic design dept. Pretty sun reflection and the words don't mix. Will blame it on my computer freezing up every 90 seconds. New one is on the way!

Oh, and I couldn't quite figure out ... I guess I should have just put it at the beginning. Technically this is not a quote by Linda Sue Park. It's by Salva ... one of the real "lost boys of the Sudan." But it's in the book.

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