I've been in my house for eight months now. Might be time to get some art up on my bedroom walls. How nerdy would this be?
Is this one too springy? Was just going back over OLD pins and remembered how much I liked them. They're a freebie via Google Drive.
Again. If only shopping for clothes was fun. (And yes. I know. Quit whining and go work out and meal plan.)
Harry Potter quotes. Also looked at a couple HP quote versions on Etsy. Though that wouldn't be much less nerdy to have on my walls.
Not QUITE YET. But I guess I'll look at these anyway. Should I do an update? Must think about new titles ...
Oh and if you would like to head over to The Craft of Teaching she's hosting a giveaway!

:) Love the mix... Books for the beginning of the year... have a plan to work on one for the classroom with some fabulous books my sister borrowed for her 4th grade class...