Tech Rant ahead then books at the bottom ...
My first hard lesson was 4 years ago in October. A jerk broke into my house and loaded up a car with TVs, jewelry, cameras, and computers.
Lost a lot of pics and files that day that I can't get back. :(
So when I got a new computer I was NOT EVER going to have that happen again. Enter Carbonite! Automatic backup of anything I ever save. Don't even have to set up Time Machine (Mac). LOVE that. Always remind everyone ... "Back up your files OFF site!" I'm lucky they didn't see the external drive or they might have taken that, too ... along with the $100+ in bookfair change I had ready for the following Monday. But I wasn't good about regularly backing stuff up on that drive so it was very hit and miss.
(insert mental picture of Han Solo here ... can't find one that embeds neatly)
But (and there is a BUT here) ... OH MY WORD CARBONITE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOW! I'm remembering now. It took it three weeks just to back up the files I DID have. Three weeks.
And now? Moving files over from one machine to another? Going to take even longer as I have more files. #Sigh They say they released the "throttle" on data but gotta say ... not seeing it. And I have high speed internet that allows multiple devices to stream video and direct downloads of individual files are super fast.
Attempts to use the Mac Migration Assistant were also less than primo. Software and I can be friends. But hardware related? #notasgood
So. All this just to say ... it's better than not backing up. But it could be better.
I finally read the first Jedi Academy book yesterday. And the second. TOO FUN.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Too funny. I can't believe it took me so long to get around to reading this one. First I got an early egalley and then I've actually owned a copy since ... last fall's bookfair, I think.
Roan is hilarious. Readers will need to be at least somewhat familiar with the SW universe. After that, though, the story stands as a sci-fi Wimpy Kid. Only less annoying.
Must get a couple copies for the school collection!
This one isn't quite out yet. I received an advanced e-copy via Netgalley.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After taking almost a year to read the first one (which really I can't explain because I am a SW fangirl) I managed to read both 1 & 2 this afternoon.
Too fun. It does take a little getting used to, reading all of the SW names in a handwritten font. That will cause some issues for some readers. But beyond that? TOO FUNNY. I love the characters. I love the references to classic SW moments. I love the "Holobook" and the lessons Roan and his classmates have to learn about being kind and to use an oft repeated phrase ... "seeking first to understand, THEN be understood."
Will definitely be getting both of these books for our school collection.

PS The Carbonite link is not a referral. Could have been but I'll leave it up to you. I LOVE it for the peace of mind. I am ready to scream at it for being so slow.
I've got my docs backed to an external hard drive which I back up at school on another device for a backup backup... I can't imagine how long it would take to restore all my files from online. I try to remind the teachers to back up their files, but we both know it's not happening as often as it should. I'll have to look for the SW books.
ReplyDeleteYou're better than me if you remember to back up regularly. That's why I like Carbonite. Don't have to think about it at all. Just a pain in the neck when you actually NEED what you backed up. :P And Yes! Look for the SW books! They are silly but fun.