Or Anyone Else Who Might be Interested ;)
This is sort of a Throwback ... Tuesday. Scroll to the bottom for Currently!
Go here, here, here,here, and here for the original posts when I only had one iPad in the library.
And the updates when I had 6 more as well as more experience? Here are Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.
That many posts can get overwhelming so here are my tip top faves that I use the most.
Free Must Haves
Phonto--adding text to images
Dropbox--getting media on and off the device ... I would suggest creating a free account with a generic login that is specifically for library/classroom iPad media
Haiku Deck--seriously they make image searching for presentations amazingly easy that even little ones can create nice looking presentations. See some 1st grade examples at this link (then click on the animal group submenus on the left).
Google Docs --now fully editable on a mobile device! Of course much easier when the device has a keyboard but oh well
Google Presentations--when the fully editable app is released later this summer. So technically I haven't used this one YET but I expect that we will.
a QR code reader--I like I-nigma but there are plenty of others
an augmented reality reader--Aurasma is the only one I've used so far but it's pretty easy! Here's a link to some example projects.
Chatter Pix--use a static pic and turn it into a video. Here are some examples (mixed up with Tellagamis).
Not Free but WORTH IT
Sock Puppets Director's Pass--you can record 30 seconds worth for free but with the director's pass (volume purchase edu store or in app purchases on the regular store) you can make longer recordings and export them to your camera roll to be posted/reshared as you see fit. Worth purchasing for any device students will use.
Puppet Pals HD Director's or All Access Pass--same reasoning as above but with different puppet options. Either Puppet Pals 1 or 2. Both are cool. 2 just has a couple more features.
Tellagami--this used to be free and they aren't making it easy to buy back options with in-app purchases instead of a full functionality app on the volume purchasing store. That said? What it can do? Super useful in the classroom on any number of subjects. So even with limited app budgets ... this one is worth it!
Strip Designer ($2.99)--powerful "comic" creating tool. Story Me used to be a nice free option but it disappeared a few months ago. Kids can creative write or share their non-fic learning.
Don't Let the Pigeon Run this App ($5.99)--I actually wouldn't necessarily recommend it for an individual user ... I think the price point is kind of high. But if you have a teacher device that is being used to demonstrate with lots of classes? TOTALLY worth it.
The Monster at the End of this Book ($4.99)--classic story and the app is nicely done. Not TOO gamey but more interactivity than "just" the printed book
And now for July Currently with Farley ...

I've always wanted to visit CO! Supposed to be so beautiful there.
ReplyDeleteI love chopping my hair off in the summer! I have been way overdue for a haircut this summer.
ReplyDeleteNot Just Child's Play
Thanks for the app suggestions! A few new ones to check out!
ReplyDeleteFun that you are getting a bike! Thanks for the app ideas :)
Kickin' it in Kindergarten
Thanks so much on the app suggestions. Have some but not all...will be checking them out for sure. And MAN I AM WITH YOU on the house cleaning want...lol!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to have found your blog. I am also a school librarian!