It will be awesome to not be in the middle of a hallway anymore. AWESOME. Small and cozy. Fewer visual and auditory distractions to concentrate on the learning. Still some, I'm sure ... but not NEARLY so many. If you have been reading a while ... guess what! Soon I won't be complaining about no walls anymore!
Email received yesterday ... "We ordered the shelves this week! They'll be here in 6-8 weeks!"
We start school on Aug. 25.
#shouldhaveseenthatcoming #idontevencarewellsurvive #8weekswillbeinthemiddleofthefallbookfair

Deep breaths. I went through this four years ago. I got carpet the day before school and computers in November. Since I had all 14,000 books in tater tot boxes in the cafeteria, I was concerned, but it all worked out. Yours will, too, perhaps just not on the time line you imagined! (We start the 11th. No schedule as yet!)
ReplyDeleteInhale. Exhale. Yes. Thank you for the reminder. Inhale. Exhale. :P :P :P