Kenneth Oppel. I've actually only ever read his YA stuff. I had a copy of Airborne on my shelves for several years before I ever read it. It was so good! I want to read the next two. Beauty of discovering a series after it's already written. Might convince me there's something to this steampunk thing that's by now old stuff. #behindthetimes #butyoustillwonteverseemeincostume And the Victor Frankenstein ones are pretty good as well.
Lauren Oliver. Have you read the Delirium series? It's better than the idea sounds. The idea ... "a world where love is not allowed" is sort of old hat. But she wrote it beautifully. Liesl and Po and The Spindlers are also fun.
Olivier Dunrea's Ollie books. Not quite at the Duck and Goose level but still very fun. Oh, and Old Bear.
Operating Systems. So after the breakin I replaced my old Dell with a Mac ... and have never looked back! Now that I have more space I've started thinking a desktop would be nice. But anyway. Still running Snow Leopard. For some silly reason I am nervous to upgrade to Maverick. But ... after what I WILL ADMIT was quite a learning curve for me ... Mac. Mac. Mac. I get so frustrated at school by Windows.

They aren't really library related but they are adorable, are they not? And they are both Os.
And wow. Look. This post draft is so old it has the former signature on here.

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