Having spent the lunch hour the past week putting out fires with a research project where the class did not come in for any lesson before starting. The kids just started appearing and ... well. I do not know why the teacher did not arrange anything. Our of all the teachers on that grade level this was the one I would have thought WOULD have. But I digress. :/ Point is? SEARCH STRATEGIES. Kids need 'em. They don't just come naturally.
I wish there didn't have to be foundations like this. I read posts by this Dad on the FB page ... he's turned his grief at missing his little girl into a wonderful opportunity to serve. They deliver jars of little presents to kiddos in the hospital.
Kid poetry! Isn't it well done? No. Not my school.
Caption says it all.
This will be a Monday Made It project sometime this summer. ;)

Have I mentioned how much I love your Finally Friday posts? Thank you... :)
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you! #smiles