
Thursday, April 24, 2014

almost Finally Friday April 25

I'm back again for an unplanned Finally Friday. (Hey! Next week is May! Blogging resumes ... at least more than this month. We'll see how much. ;))

Today was super strange. Due to an anonymous email threat of "mass violence" at an unnamed elementary school (TV has given me a very skewed sense of how hard it is to track down something like that ... law enforcement deemed it "not credible" but no announcements of arrests yet) over 300 of our 740 or so kiddos were absent. And that was the story at most schools in the area. Very strange. But luckily ... VERY QUIET. Nothing happened. Safest day of the year, actually. So. We had high stakes testing on T/W. Weirdness today. And NO SCHOOL TOMORROW (already planned ... we get it off every year for a city parade). In this day and age ... it's a crazy world out there. Never pass up the chance to tell someone you love them. And all that.

I gave make up tests in the morning (cause ... this same week ... nasty stomach bug hit a lot of kiddos. So why was one that I saw in the nurse's office yesterday with vomit all over pants back in school today? FUN TIMES. Aren't you glad I share?) and then since classes were combined and in odd places (they brought the portable classes inside) not a lot of library action. Did a lot of weeding in the 700-990s ... areas that really needed it but didn't always get it because hey, they are the major part of our major hallway and usually it's too crowded to get much time out there). My lungs will never be the same. Washing my hands every shelf they were so grey. Can't wash lungs. :P BLECH.

I do enjoy a good upcycle project. I also enjoy soda. Which is bad for you. :P


Star Wars Day is coming up! My email inbox is full of messages from companies wanting me to buy things. That I want to buy.

We've been playing around with Aurasma and it is pretty fun. And remarkably not that hard. Time to bring it up a notch.

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