
Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Break Already Friday Pi Day

Yes. It came and then it went. Bookfair and standardized testing to look forward to the next couple of weeks. Note to self: it won't last forever. Click through because embedded pins don't play nicely in either Feedly or Bloglovin.

I just gained ten pounds looking at this picture.

I do love this print. It says in the description you can have the colors changed. Decisions. Red would go in my kitchen but is this really a kitchen print? My living room/bedroom are both leafy greens and browns and yellows and a bit of blue. My office is a sort of stormy blue. So decisions. Putting up art is a lot of decisionmaking!

This is interesting. Pretty sure we want to get a couple external mics. The ones in an iPhone or iPad are decent if you are sitting in a quiet room but at school? Even if you HAVE walls how often is it actually quiet?

Love this post about using an iPad app to chart understanding of a class readaloud.

Or ... almost, anyway.

And I was over at Kirby Larson's blog yesterday talking about how Everything I Needed to Know About Encouraging Library Users I Learned from Star Wars. No groundbreaking ideas but it made me laugh a little. :P

Goodbye spring break. Summer ... I can almost see you. Just testing and some booksharing and research projects! Oh. And loads of weeding. Loads and loads. :P ;)

1 comment:

  1. Happy weeding time to you... love that librarian quote... drool to the recipe! :)
