Two favorite quotes:"You have to let kids BE digital citizens, not just tell them about it." And then "The same choice and differentiation we advocate for students should be afforded to our teachers as well!" And I am terrible and can't remember who said either. Not me. But aren't they brilliant ideas?
Owls and books!
I may weed some books just for this purpose next week. Cause we can always use some weeding. In fact ... I am thinking of a radical weed. Like ... radical. Our director asked us for 5 and 10 year plans to bring our libraries up to date and quite frankly ... if they aren't going to build us a completely new space THAT IS NOT A HALLWAY we at least need a small ... do I call it makerspace or production room? Where small groups could record and work on projects with a bit more soundproofing than the library at large? It would require a good ... if you count all the shelves ... a good 150-180 feet of shelves removed to make space. That may be too radical. But I digress.
I didn't get to see this presentation but the smore looks good. Although I would hardly call 4th grade "Little." It's all perspective, I guess.
I didn't get to see hers this time around, either. But this formula could change my Google Forms world!
And just because I love the photo and color combos ...

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