To district ed tech who keep making comments to the effect of washing their hands of the effort to get a reliable internet (both lab and classroom wireless) connection working in an older school (while all the while touting to the rest of the district 21st Century Learning...
I don't really do pink. But I want to do this in some sort of color!
I love the color combos on this site.
I tend to kill plants. And out here at my new house there are so many deer I'm not sure how much landscaping we'll really be able to do in the spring. But I love the tiered look of this.
I need to do this! Only ... not sure how to attach them to the shelves. Stuff with tape falls off. Stuff with glue ... kiddos pick at. :P
PS I will be posting about a fun blog award I was given earlier this week. Sometime tomorrow or Saturday. Do you want to be highlighted. I'm just not good at asking people things. Would you answer questions? Let me know. ;)

Ohhhh, I saw the picture of the books in the series, but I was so focused on the colored numbers for their position in the series. I completely missed the shelf-talker! I used to have exactly this type of shelf label too at my previous place. That would be a nice use for those!