Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
Slow reading week as we had a late PTA night and a couple days where I just came home after school and crashed cause I was so tired. Didn't finish anything but a couple magazines and then got further into ...
The Lost Treasure of Tuckernuck. Actually my e-checkout of that book timed out. This is so awkward ... I'm not loving much of our state award list next year. How do I fake enthusiasm for books I'm not excited about? Or also why is it I'm not excited but everyone else is? #questions
When I can check it out again I will finish it cause that could make a big difference.
I want to finish Ungifted and Hollywood, Dead Ahead cause I've been partway through those for a while. Liked them ... just keep getting distracted by other titles!
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey. I have to admit I almost gave up on this one ... was having trouble following things. But then I kept listening (can't really say "stuck with it" as it was more than anything it was laziness about taking the CD out of the car and finding something else) and now it's getting to where I WANT to listen longer.
If I get to it Codename Zero by Chris Rylander will be my next one.
So TCEA is coming up. I am tagging along with two MS (Google certified!) and HS librarians to present on Google in your LMC. Right now I feel like I'm not adding much. Hopefully that will change! Do you have an idea? A way that you use Google that makes your life easier or something run more smoothly in your library or really catches your students' attention? Please share. We'll credit you in the presentation for sure! And when the presentation site is live (well ... OK. It's live now but it's not done so no sharing the site for at least a week! And when I DO share ... head's up that I might need to ... well. The Google certified librarian talks above my head a good portion of the time and while I'm NOT as knowledgeable as I'm sometimes given credit for? I do know that some of what she says makes more sense to me than others. So I will "translate" in later blog posts, if you get my drift. If nothing else I can add that to the presentation. ;)

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