It never ceases to amaze me how many other TLs have to deal with the same no-walls NONSENSE. What idiot architect (and yes, I know that's not a very nice word) ever thought it was a good idea? The only time it's good is when we have new book displays … I love to hear how excited the kids are as they walk by. All the other times when I have to yell (even with a microphone) simply to be heard over the general "hallway" noise by the kids right in front of me … well. You know how I feel about it. So like usual the top of the wish list is …

Now in previous years I have mentioned the Big Book Furniture. And Hogwarts Lego sets. And a hot cocoa maker (HA HA HA here in TX … usually). And an iPodcasting station.
This year the post is kind of dull cause I don't have any pics. And it's all about what I think a Makerspace might start out as.
Space for and then a big cabinet with doors that lock (for after school times … as much as I'd like to be able to leave it out for the after school peeps we do not have unlimited materials budgets) to hold:
book related puzzles;
colored paper (the pretty deeply colored kind … not the cheap kind … I'm a paper snob);
upcycled cardboard (ie tp and paper towel rolls, empty cereal boxes, etc.);
colored pencils (and a decent sharpener that everyone promises to not come down with 50 pencils and proceed to sharpen all of them WHILE I am teaching … speaking from experience here :P);
pipe cleaners;
glue sticks;
craft glue;
craft sticks;
rubber bands;
electric circuits kits;
hand wipes (cause seriously … even with just glue sticks the little ones manage to make a mess of themselves :/); and
wipes to clean off the wood tables that don't ruin the finish (is that possible? Also allowable by Risk Management staff? :P).

I so totally understand your wish for walls. In my district 3 of the elementary school have open libraries. I was given the chance to move to the school where I attended elementary. I didn't for the sole reason of walls. I love them. I'm loud and I didn't want to disturb the office... HA HA. Hope your move is going well. Merry Christmas.