This pin is not really crafty unless you consider this publisher offers some great crafty type books. But to the thought expressed … Yes! Most definitely.
This is cute. We sometimes have classes make ornaments to highlight a book they've read together and then display them on mini-trees in the library (all the while crossing our fingers the same bigwigs that made us toss all stuffed animals and plants don't come around claiming dust on these trees … they're only out for three weeks a year!) Should I decorate one like this for my new place? If we have time to decorate for the holidays.
So. Maybe with a book related quote to read on the morning announcements? Either holiday-ish or a real HOOK that gets the kids excited about a book they could read over either the Thanksgiving or Christmas breaks. Would need to start planning now to get them all collected.
Isn't this cool? If I sent out holiday cards. Haven't the last couple years. Not since … the last time I went to Europe. #mustplanatripfornextyear We used to do cards to other schools in the district but our internal mail people finally put a stop to that. Can't say I really blame them but a little grinchy.
Of course there is also this option.
Kind of fun. I'm picky and would like them even more if the book pages were from a holiday book. But I'm not going to destroy one just to make these. ;)
Pin description says it all.
Loved this display since the first time I saw it. It could last through January, right? Only it's so NOT TEXAS.
So. If you can do this take a pic and send it to me and I'll be jealous.
FUN old school image.
Not very academic but fun. Can we still do fun?
And just because apparently this is my truth …
And now. Update Number 3 is a big hangs head in shame. NADA. See original list here and update one here and two here.
This is the current state of the wall of bookshelves (the middle one will have some doors on that bottom part.
Aren't they AWESOME? So awesome I can hardly believe they will be mine in a few short weeks.

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