Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
This Week
(also the Spookley the Square Pumpkin book app and the Trick or Treat Little Critter book app)
I really liked Good Night, Zombie. Think I'll get all of 'em for school ... can never have enough "scary books"!
Next Week
Among other things, hopefully ...
I <3 BOOKS! And we're getting closer to the new place! And the whole wall of bookshelves. I cannot stand how excited I am about that.
PS This is where I was this weekend. Aren't they too cute? The middle one (actually the top photo) is not even two yet and she recognizes shapes and letters on Endless Alphabet! Also she has EPIC HAIR. The oldest one (middle pic) is my crafting and adventure friend (I want them to move back here ... we had such fun together!) and reading the Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin app. I won a free code on iPadSammy's FB page. Then the littlest one on the bottom. I just met him this weekend. He was born the week before school started.

D you have pictures of your library before/after?! I'd love to see it!!