Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library was very interesting. The illustration style was not my favorite but I loved hearing about his HUGE library and how he bought more than a book a day. I've seen reproductions of his cool revolving bookstand.
Pete was fun. The kids liked it even if it didn't have a song. But really ... why didn't it have music? The words rhymed and had rhythm. Still a good message. Look for the good. Need to remind myself of that as I bemoan being sick! (A side unrelated or maybe sort of related note ... have you ever read Hank the Cowdog? He has a FB fan page as well as an official page. The other day a quote was posted that has become hilarious to our family as we all are going through some big times of change. "We dogs save our Looks of Maximum Woe and Misery for special occasions." Hank is the reason at least two of my brothers are readers. Just funny. The audiobooks are actually even more fun than the print books. Like sitting around the campfire with the author.)
Contaminated has possibilities. Parts were great! Parts had holes. Definitely worth a library read (and if you're purchasing for a middle/high/public library worth a purchase) but I don't know that I'd have to personally own it. Boy howdy does the saying "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" have a different connotation to me now!
The Real Boy. I LOVED a good deal of it. The rest of it left me feeling like something was missing. Now this one is worth maybe owning just so you can underline all the cool lines that are so beautiful and descriptive. Parts of the character development frustrated me but I still enjoyed it a lot. Kind of the same as Breadcrumbs.
Coming up?
And at some point a picture book marathon, though that might not be this week.
Dinner in a pumpkin this week! Seriously try it if you haven't ever. See ... was it Wednesday's post? The one before the Finally Friday post. It has the recipe.
And next week little brother heads off on his mission for our church. Such a long time. :( But he's so awesome and wants to serve others. Proud of him. Remind me of that if I get mopey. ;)

My fourth graders love HTCD! I need to book talk or do a read-aloud with my third grade to get them hooked. Had the same thoughts about Pete and his Magic Glasses!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Brown Loves Bookworms
I have been hearing so much praise for The Real Boy, I think you are the first person to mention that part of the book left you feeling like something was missing...That is exactly how I felt about Breadcrumbs too! I loved the first portion of the book and then by the end was disappointed. I've got Real Boy on my shelf but have not cracked it open yet. I certainly will read it soon though, I wonder if I'll feel the same as you!