I am presenting with a MS and HS librarian today at a joint district/public library mini-conference. This isn't our entire presentation but it's one of the parts that I "own" so I can share. It's pretty simple but maybe everyone doesn't know how to do this. Or maybe they do.
Among other things a Google Forms Library Survey one might be coming before we present again at TCEA. Depends on if I get it done. And I'm working on fixing the template for the Library Data Board. That page has way more above average hits for my posts. How come no one told me it didn't work for you all? It was still working on my end but then I wasn't using a copy. Oops. :/
And I would love for more student work. That will require more functional computers on campus, however. So it's not entirely in my hands. With the iPads and my intervention group perhaps.

This is a great idea. I am a middle school language arts teacher in a library science graduate program (almost out! May!) and my school library has a binder for book requests. I knew there was a way to integrate the technology into it. Great tutorial on how to do it, as well. I bet there's a way to incorporate a QR code into this, too! :) Keep posting - I've been a follower for a while. :)