It just sounds spookier with his accent. Listen to the whole book here!
Debating (cause I still haven't gotten very many students or staff to fill out a "favorite book" leaf for the "Fall into Reading" bulletin board) ...
but one year (a couple years ago so I don't have a pic) we handed out one brown paper turkey body to each classroom. If you want to know the truth they looked surprisingly like a bowling pin. Google "bowling pin outline clip art" then whiteout the stripe around the neck. Voila! Turkey body. Anyway. Kids decorated them to look like their teacher (TOO cute. Glasses and hair and Spurs jerseys and the like) and then each morning for two weeks we added a feather for every 10 books the class read the night before. Should I try again? Didn't get 100% class participation but hey. Couldn't have kept up with that many turkeys anyway.
Turk and Runt might be my favorite T-Day book. Or maybe Twas the Night before Thanksgiving. I love the story about the first draft of that book. I was going to send you to but it looks like he's updated the site (which is still cool, just doesn't have the anecdote I'm talking about). If you go to the WAYBACK Machine and then go to the page about the book there is still a little snippet there. Dunno if this link will work but here it is just in case.
Should I? Are you? Sara is just starting. Really wasn't ever planning on it ... actually was kind of against it ... until our new library computers were installed. They take so long to log in (can't leave it up and running) that no one bothers to use the catalog anymore. NOW there's a real reason to. Maybe. Was asking around but only one teacher really gave me any feedback and she was about like me. Could see real Pros AND Cons to it. She told me "I'm game for whatever you go with."
Today we started a climate research project with 3rd grade. Here's the thing ... there are not many books that talk about the "continental" climate or the "mild" climate. Yes, state and country books that HAVE that climate that talk about it. But all print resources on the topic that I can find require MUCH inference. Can't even find many websites on a do-able reading level. What I have is on a Libguide here. Too bad our computer lab is completely non-functional. #21stcentury