Check out the iPads in the Library page in the tabs if you want to see what we talked about.
And if you were there? THANK YOU! While you might be a bit of the cause of my nerves I'm ever so grateful you think it's interesting enough to come. Same thing with my blog readers! I'm not here talking to myself after all. Yay. ;)
Remember if you like something to pin from the original source (or repin on Pinterest). Don't want the pins to look like they came from my site cause this is not my content. I'm just ... gathering it. ;)
So annoying when pins don't have real back links. I totally want to do this one. Maybe when I take down my baseball reading promotion that never was. :/
Looks tasty, no? I'm not much of a grilled cheese fan (or veggie fan) but the two together look kind of tasty. Dreaming Foodie, I'll have to try this one. Click on the pic to get the recipe.
Actually sitting here looking at upcycled book pumpkins and some cute trees that could be fun garlands and then I notice I pinned this last week. Too cute. Do I DIY or pay someone else to do it for me. I like to craft but I don't like it when it doesn't look like I want it to. And next goals are talk to teacher whose student ratted her out this afternoon "We're doing research and getting pictures online!", make it through bookfair with excitement and no tears, and my part of a Google presentation that may be at TCEA in February. Trial run at district mini-conference Oct. 8. So ... time for crafting? Not quite yet.
Dear Behance.Net Gallery ... I still can't figure out your site but I LOVE THIS BOOKSHELF!!!!!!!!!!! Even though it doesn't really hold very many books.
Not library related but click through if you enjoy travel or photography. Caught this guy's Flickr moment last week and it was so fun!

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