So I am part of a local bloggers FB group. And one of them posted that she had this opportunity and did anyone want to participate? Partner with Easy Canvas Prints.
"Sure. Why not?" I thought. Yes, I'm usually a book and teaching and library blogger but I've got a new house to decorate with empty walls (well ... I don't have it YET. But SOON. VERY, VERY SOON) and it would be fun to have something to give away on the blog. (Neither of the two publicists from our recent book giveaways had contacted me at this point.)
Sorry it's not up on a wall looking as pretty as it could. Not in the new house yet! Also the dumb iPhone pic.
It was SO easy to order. Have the .jpg of the photo you want on your desktop. Upload. Choose the size and thickness of the canvas you prefer. Choose the edge "finish" (mine is "mirrored" ... looks awesome!) you prefer. You can choose to have them do some coloring (sepia or black and white) and maybe some retouching? I didn't have them do any of that. Personally I think that's pretty easy to do yourself but if that makes you nervous of course have the professionals do it! Could print a nice photo of a family member (This is one of my nephews ... isn't he cute? His mama is a professional photographer) or even make a print of a quote you like.
Anyway. It was at my house in about a week.
Time to enter! This Rafflecopter will be open ... two weeks, I think. The 16th through the 30th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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