I'm a sucker for awesome photography anyway. Then lovely poetry. Here is a very low tech just a snap with my phone page spread please buy this book example. Eletelephony is one of my favorites poems so far.
The Spurs lost a hard fought battle. *insertsmallmomentofsilence And then remember the whole reason we liked these guys (or at least two of the big three ... and many of the supporting players) is that they are so classy anyway. So while another trophy would have been fun? It's not the end of the world. Though certain other players on certain other teams are SO TACKY.
Both Feedly and Bloglovin are giving me fits. I follow myself (lame, right?) just so I can see things the same as my readers. And ... I don't like what I see. Embedded stuff is all weird. If it's even there (sometimes it's not even apparent that something is missing! Except for the fact that the text may not make any sense without the accompanying image). So I don't know. Maybe no more Finally Friday Pins. Maybe no more embedded stuff ever. Or I'll figure out if I'm doing something wrong. (Curious ... there was a Goodreads book and a Spurs pin both embedded above. And ... who sees them inside the feed readers? Not me.)
A couple weeks ago I found a blog called Eureka. I honestly don't remember where. It's a teacher in England. Anyway. The post that made me first pay attention was the one about the students creating infographics of themselves as readers on the iPad. It was too late in the year for me to try it (like maybe even the last day of school?) but I am excited to play around with it myself and use it with students this year. In fact my PLAN had been to show you an infographic I made for my end of year report. And if the data would have been more interesting I would have. But I discovered something. I'm rubbish at collecting data. I wanted to show how many classes had come for reading promotion versus a more research based lesson but hello. I HAVE TO BE BETTER AT KEEPING TRACK OF THAT. Or how many students from grades 1 or 2 or 5 or whatever visited the library independently (ie on a pass). I have to keep better track of that, too. So really it was just some circ stats and even that wasn't all that great because due to some ... I don't even really understand all that we didn't get the same kind of reports as usual. SIRSI and reports. I'm pretty tech-y and they are just beyond me.
Anyway. He is hosting a sort of iPad Summer Camp. Skitch has totally crashed on me multiple times so you won't get a screen grab of the intro page. Just go HERE.
And now I'm off with my "little" (he's 21 and a half so maybe little is not the best term) brother to go see Man of Steel.

I'm reading this with Bloglovin and can see your pics.... It loads a little so but otherwise it's fine. Hope this helps.