Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
Still working through ... separate book posts? Shorter, then ... easier to search. Or once a week all of 'em ('cause I guess I didn't name my blog correctly because as much as I love reading that's not ALL I do ;)? Decisions, decisions.
Past Week
Only added one since I told you last. But this time I'll link my Goodreads so if you are at all curious you can find out easily. One of my goals this summer is to improve review writing.
On Deck (Shelf?) This Week
Finish all of these. They're all started. But not finished. Dumb headache is making even this hard. :/
This is what I actually have out from the library. Not counting what's on their hold shelf. Or the books I own (never got my #cyberPD pic up!) that I haven't read yet.
So. We're days away, people. Days away from the demise of Google Reader.
I like Feedly best. Least frustrating interface plus I get annoyed at Bloglovin when it doesn't bring in things that are embedded in the post. Granted, we ALL like the actual page hit counts. Feedly is where most of my highest interest feeds will be. Also I finally stopped the nightly Bloglovin emails that were freaking me out. "This was posted today" and all. I'll read it when I can!
Also ... GO SPURS GO.

I am so excited about the new Polly Shulman! I am glad to see you like it. I have Proxy through NetGalley right now, but I am struggling to get into it. I was not a fan of Darkest Minds, which made me sad because I loved Brightly Woven. Have a great reading week! http://wp.me/pzUn5-1A3