
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Finally Friday June 15

This is my brother and my nephew. They are SO ADORABLE.

So far #bookaday has resulted in this.

Can't wait to try this. Or ... technically, yes I can. SUMMER VACATION IS AWESOME! But in the fall this will be fun to try.

My sis sent me this. It made me laugh. Then I tried it. And I laughed again. And again. #whenwillitgetold

NPR's Backseat Bookclub. How fun! They interviewed Katherine Applegate today. I bet they will post the clip soon. I've mentioned I used to go visit Ivan when he was at the B&I Mall. Days before cell phones documented everything.

A possible summer project.

I tend to kill plants. But I want to try these. #truffula

And now I go to ice my hamstring. I think I pulled it today. Tried to stretch and sort of walk it off but it HURTS. It's so silly.

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