
Sunday, May 5, 2013


So my brother is home from college and decided to go renew his library card.

First #fail on the part of our local public library ... "They don't have an app?" Had to tell him I'd read it was in the works but not done yet. Kind of embarrassing.

Second #fail (and I do know that one, he shouldn't have waited so long to renew his card, and two he should have returned the books on time) was that because of four year old overdue fines of just over $5 he couldn't renew his library card. He didn't have any cash on him and that's all they took. It was several books (he remembers the project) and they were 6 days late.

So I would TOTALLY agree with suspending privileges for someone who didn't return books at all. Or for months. Or consistently late, even.

But a one time thing? And for $5 and change? Users are more important than that, people. You had the chance to keep a college kid as a patron. He'll probably just go back to borrowing my mom's or my card. But he should have been able to have his own. #PRIORITIES

The big TPT Teacher Appreciation Sale starts on Tuesday. (PS Graphics from the Pond made this image.)

My stuff's on sale! Thank you to everyone who's been so kind with purchases and comments. You (almost ;) ... it's that bad) keep me in my clip art habit. Plus I just get so excited. "They like it. They really like it." I've never watched SNL but I think that quote sort of comes from there?

I'm thinking about all of these. I should NOT buy them all. I will not.

I want to.

I'm still working on the baseball theme library signs, reading promos, etc. Probably won't get them done in time. :/

And I started working on a summer reading booklet like three weeks ago. Oops!

On a semi-related (well, just TPT) I got this a while back and adapted it for a bulletin board. If it works out I'll post pics.

1 comment:

  1. Those depth and complexity thinking mats sound interesting! I'm headed over there now. Thanks to YOU! :)

    I need school to be out so I can do school related things. LOL!

