Friday, April 5, 2013

Finally Friday Pins April 5

It's cinco de abril! What does that mean?

Nothing. It's just been a week of testing. I'm giddy with silly jokes. My brain is FRIED.

And Pinterest has made embedding things lots harder. :( I wonder if that was on purpose. Anyway.

I don't sew. But I'm seriously considering asking my mom to make this (maybe with the upcoming Mo Willems' Cloud9 fabric?) for all the things I misplace during the day. Pens. Scissors. Cabinet keys. It's not cool how often I misplace things.



  1. You just made me laugh out loud!! How about cinco de everyday???? :)


    1. Meant to say always glad to be of service for a laugh. Especially when a good deal of the time it's not even on purpose. ;)
      I was trying yesterday, though. Just a bit.

  2. Hi Angie! I love the apron idea!
    Do you want me to add your blog to the state directory I started? You can check it out at The Centered School Library.
    Just let me know. See you at the meeting Monday?

    1. See my comment on your blog. And Yes. I really do think I will resort to the apron. Cause I keep losing things. Too bad my mind can't fit in one of the pockets.

      A Pigeon one. A vintage Nancy Drew book covers one. And of course a STAR WARS one. Three so that I don't get bored. ;)
