
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Finally Friday Pins April 26 on Thurs April 25

Hooray for random and strange city holidays ... I've got the DAY OFF tomorrow!
Never mind that I wasn't at school last Friday, either. I was home. Asleep. Not feeling well. Now I'm sneezing but enjoying the day.
And Saturday morning I get to play with my nephew. Expect pics. I just looked on my phone and realized I don't have any recent ones. His momma is a photographer so hers always look better. ;)

Um, hello. Owls and Books. They will be mine.

Super well done. Can they tweak a couple things to include more elementary examples? Or do I need to make my own. #summerproject #ohwaitImbuildingahousethissummer #wellnotpersonallybutyougetheidea

46 repins in the space of like an hour, all of 'em. Or most. A lot, anyway. Apparently we all like PB&Chocolate. ;)

If I could get this with a diet soda (sigh, I know ... so not good for you) I would SO GET IT.

I am off to get some books to read with my nephew. He's only 18 months old but he loves "books."

PS And if I was super creative I would have come up with something fabulously fun for the library for next Friday and railroaded everyone into participating. Would have been a day early but we're not in school on Saturday. The spring festival is Friday night so it will be a long day already. Can I throw something together in time? #shouldhavethoughtahead #doyouknowwhatdayitwillbe? #andnoImnotmistakeninmydatesandtalkingaboutcincodemayo


  1. Love the librarian in the pleated skirt! It's the only kind I can wear on my bicycle! Thanks for some fun-- needed it today. Only three more weeks until the annual Flocking of the Overheads.

    1. I do not have a bicycle. I think about remedying that. And then I sneeze. #indoorbikesforhowmuchoftheyear #dumbpollen

      THREE WEEKS? We still have like 5. And no overheads. ;) I do have to pack up the whole library cause of new flooring. But luckily 80% of it is just industrial strength saran-wrapping shelves on wheels.

      The real question is ... in the fall. Will it be tile (remember ... major school thoroughfare) or carpet? I get told different things Every. Single. Time.
