Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
K. Since I'm going to whine in a minute I have to post this pic cause it made me cry.
So sweet. These are some glyphs we made back before spring break. Are they not so cute? (PS Does anyone want the directions? Super simple.) The little paragraph just talks about how much they appreciate me. ;) Didn't ask them to do it. In fact I now feel bad because sometimes this teacher drives me nuts ... her room is RIGHT off of our biography section and she can be kind of loud. She "whooped" once to get her kids attention when we were on a field trip to the downtown branch of our public library. I about died of embarrassment. Should have been paying attention to how much her kids love her and how much they love reading!
Still behind in my reading ... it was bookfair. Can that be my excuse? So tired. Sounds lame but not much reading got done this week. Too busy with bookfair (or during the slow times some badly needed weeding ... goodbye 80% of our VHS collection and 30% of our never used professional collection!) to stop and read much. Then at night? Conked out. AGAIN. I've turned into a sleepyhead.
I DID, however, start listening to an awesome BBC Radio adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. If you like Neil Gaiman at all ... or James McAvoy, or Benedict Cumberbatch, or Anthony Head, or Christopher Lee ... you should totally listen!
What I can't quite tell from the website is for how long anyone can listen to it. In some places it says a year and in others 6 days. Wondering if it's maybe an international issue? Anyway. It's about 4 hours all said (Ep. 1 is one hour, Ep. 2-6 are about thirty minutes each) and done. I'm through episode four.
For the next week? Plans include finishing my current Goodreads ...
I'm actually almost done with A Mutiny in Time ... in fact according to my phone (I was listening to the mp3 book on Overdrive) I am done. Fell asleep near the end. Missed ... oh, about 30-40 minutes. Surprisingly not enjoying Potterwookiee all that much but will finish it just to be sure. Making Thinking Visible is not one I'll read word for word but I like several of the ideas. Would like to attend a real life PD session and not just have to try and do it all on my own ... HEAR the real life examples and such. One of the blogs I follow talks about it ... can't remember the name but next time they post I'll try to remember to come back and link.
This is what I have from Netgalley and Edelweiss already approved.
Thoughts? Have a few books from the library, bookfair, and of course the ones I ALREADY had that I haven't read yet. Never mind that the weekend after Easter is our district PTA's used book sale. Apparently people come from all over the country for this thing. ;)

Making Thinking Visible sounds like a good one. I'm like you thought-sometimes I just want to see it in action or talk with others about it to make sure I'm interpreting it the right way. I'm like that a lot!!!!!!
Potterwookie is a series I think I will have to buy for my students. Looks like a lot of fun! I loved Mutiny in Time and need to read on in the series.
ReplyDeleteThe Monster Report
Some weeks we get more reading in than others. It's all good! I remind myself that I almost always have a really good reason for not getting to reading. When it's spending time with my family, it's always a great reason, but being productive at work definitely counts, too. Making Thinking Visible looks good! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI think. that 4th and 5 th graders would adore Kimmel's Forever Four series. They are about older girls, but the books are little and cute. I know that I would have loved them!
ReplyDeleteGood to know. Thanks!