
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shelf Signs

Thank you. I wish someone had said "Here is the magic way to get a clear head long enough to even think about what to do with that stack of books or bunch of papers or leftover bookmarks before next year's holiday season." But it sounds like I'm not the only one drowning in mess. We're the one that gets called on to drop everything ... pretty often. Appreciate the mess? I would if I could find the things I needed later on.

So ... I'm getting rid of these. No one pays any attention to them. At all.

And trying these. Obviously most shelves would not have this many so close to each other. I was just playing around with the clip art. I have ... oh, about 15. Debating whether or not to get more or just use what I have. Do I steal all the letter ones from the picture book section to use in the non-fic? I think I will expand the little square shape to include the text. At first I tried to have both pic and text inside the square but that was too crowded. But when I cut out the text and the square together I don't really like how some of the corners turned out. Easier to follow a line.


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