
Monday, February 18, 2013

Random Questions I Have

in No Particular Order ...

(PS Dang. Hello shiny nose. Should have filtered that out. Or put on some makeup. Oh well.)

Pinterest. All the "authorities" say to have your boards be very specific. I dislike having to scroll through a bazillion board titles to choose one. Plus super small boards that only have like 5 pins? Who even has time for those? Is this just me? I'll admit I DO wish Pinterest gave you the ability to search just one specific board for a comment/pic you know you pinned and now want and cannot find. But I think that will come.

I will also admit that my Library Stuff board (along with a couple others but it's definitely the worst!) has gotten a bit out of control too big.

Also Pinterest ... WHY, WHY, WHY the "I'll be happy I pinned this one day" or "Another pinner said" comments? #petpeeves

Feast or Famine. Days when 400+ kids and all relevant staff are in the library wanting/needing something. Then days (which don't happen as often but they do happen) where no classes come and only like 50 kids ever show up and we almost don't know what to do with ourselves. Which makes no sense at all because there is always shelf reading and repairing and shelving and signage and displays and DUSTING and planning and ordering and weeding and newsletter writing and bulletin board doing and copying.

Will Apple ever come up with a school-friendly management plan for multiple iDevices? WILL THEY? Cause this individually updating and not being able to lock certain folders or make user profiles ... it's annoying.

Eric CARle books mixed up with the Nancy CARlson. Mo WILlems mixed up with the Karma WILson. WHY does this happen? Repeatedly? Also Dr. SEUss and David SHAnnon. Really makes no sense.

Cute shoes that hurt my feet.


WHY,  MATTHEW, WHY? #downtonabbey

And a PS a quick 18 minutes before this post goes live ... plan a whiny post like this one and what do you get? Avery sweet day where you find out your colleagues voted you "Teacher of the Year" for your campus. #lessonlearned


  1. Congratulations, Mrs. O! Very much deserved!

  2. Congrats on the Teacher of the Year!! Totally agree about Apple! It just frustates me some days!

  3. I'm finally catching up on blog posts and loved this one! I am one of those people that has tons of boards on Pinterest with very specific purposes. I can completely see what you mean about trying to follow someone like me. It really is easier to follow one "Library" board. As a user trying to find my own pins, I'm a fan of using different boards to "file." Recently I've been able to quickly pdf and print boards to take to meetings with the ideas for an event. So easy! I can't wait for Pinterest to get folders or levels. Love reading your opinion. Congrats on the Teacher of the Year!!

    1. To each her own, right? If only Pinterest would just improve the search function to limit to a particular board. Of course I also need to go back and improve some of the comments/tags. From the early days ... a lot of the time I didn't even comment. Just put a space or a period. #nothelpfulpinetiquette
